My first blog as an author

The Shooting is my first published novel. It’s a dream come true.

Like many authors, I have loved reading since I was a kid. I loved going to the school library at whatever school I was attending, and I loved the weekly trips to the public library with my mom and sisters. As a kid, I would read multiple books a week. Unfortunately, the older I get and the busier, the less time I have to read for fun, but I still love a good book. Going into someone or something else’s life and adventures is a fascinating rush, and I know reading books contributed to my livelong wanderlust.  

Writing was a different path for me. I would write stories about my cats and friends as a kid but assumed they were not particularly good because I was not encouraged by anyone to write and my stories, straight through college, came back covered in red ink. I decided I was a storyteller and not a writer. However, occasionally the compulsion to do so would bust through and I would write. Sometimes I thought I had a great idea that just had to come out. Sometimes it was all pure emotion pouring out on a computer screen, using writing to process feelings and events. Often it was my opinion about some political or environmental issue that pissed me off.

The Shooting is a combination of all the reasons I write. I felt absolutely compelled to write this story. And thanks to Chelsea, Jeff and 4 Horsemen Publications, the story is now out in the world. I hope it stimulates interesting conversations. And I really hope people like it.



Nailed it! Twenty-five between March 25 and April 25!