Questions and Topics for “The Impact Series”
The Shooting
1. The Shooting has several themes, including feminism, space exploration, and environmentalism. Which were you most drawn to and why?
2. This novel addresses The concept of “being safe” in different ways. Name some ways this topic appears and consider the contradictions around each circumstance.
3. Did the author capture the social awkwardness of the early months of the COVID pandemic? Why or why not?
4. Kate and Kyle experience a range of emotions while processing the impacts of the mass shooting. How are they different? How are they similar?
5. Kate values truth enormously and struggles when she thinks she has to tell half-truths or lies. Give some examples of her conviction and conflict in the story. What does she think about the comfort and ease of lying displayed by individuals and society?
6. Kate’s experience in Colorado was in 2006. How do you think she would have handled that situation differently if she knew then what we know now about mass shootings?
7. When Kate says, “We pollute and kill everything we touch,” what does she mean? What do you think about this attitude?
8. In what ways did the characters and their challenges feel real to you? Were there moments when the story felt unbelievable?
9. Was there any part of the plot or aspects of the characters that frustrated or upset you? If so, why?
10. This story focuses on the tendency to blame the messenger when something incomprehensible happens. How realistic did you find Kate’s experience?
The Collision
1. In what ways does Kate’s character or personality change between The Shooting and The Collision? Why do you think this happens?
2. How aware of space debris were you before reading The Collision? Did you know how dangerous it is? Has this story motivated you to find out more?
3. What are some of the parallels between pollution in space and pollution on Earth?
4. What characters do you like most and least in The Collision? Why?
5. Kate is made the scapegoat by many people. Name some of them and why you think they are so quick to blame her.
6. Gun violence has been declared a public health crisis in the United States. Does the author explore this issue in a satisfying way? Why or why not?
7. How do Kate, Sinclair, and Rex’s relationship evolve between The Shooting and The Collision?
8. What do you think it means to be brave? Is Kate brave? How about Sinclair and Kyle?
9. Kate often says she would not want to live in a world that does not include several things that are important to her. What are some things you value as highly in your world?
10. What does Rex represent to you?
The Judgment
1. Kate and Sinclair debate over a moral dilemma. What is that dilemma and whose side would you take? Why?
2. Kate takes solitude, strength, and pleasure in nature. What activities bring you peace and/or make you feel you are living life to the fullest?
3. People often judge themselves by their intentions but judge others by their actions. Can you name a few examples of this from the story? From your life?
4. Were you surprised by the evolution of Kate and Kyle’s relationship? How about Kate and Sinclair’s? How did the changes make you feel?
5. Do you think people are capable of real, meaningful change? Why or why not?
6. The Impact Series discusses many forms of pollution. Can you name a few? Do you think any are more dangerous than others? If so, which ones and why?
7. What characters do you like most and least in The Judgment? Why?
8. Do you think there was an abuse of power in the story? If so, by whom and do you think it was justified?
9. What harsh truths do you prefer to ignore? What harsh truths does the government ignore?
10. Kate interacts with many women in this story. What do these women teach her? What elements within the range of feminism do they represent, such as political, economic, personal, and social equity of the sexes? How about in relation to gun violence?
11. Is it possible to live a normal life and not ever tell a lie? How about not hurting others and treating everyone and everything with respect and kindness? Is it possible?
12. Would you sign the pledge? Why or why not?
The Aftermath
1. Tia and Ian were raised in the foster system. In what ways is this relevant to the story?
2. There are examples of hypocrisy throughout the story. Can you name some and elaborate on their relevance to the plot?
3. The world has significantly changed in the five years since the shooting. Can you name some examples that impact business, family, and geopolitics?
4. There are examples of different personality traits in the story, such as antisocial, narcissistic, overly aggressive, paranoid, and manipulative. Can you name the characters and behaviors that express these traits?
5. There have been numerous benefits to nature and wildlife since the shooting, can you name a few and why? What are your favorites?
6. What do you think of The Pledge? Do you think it would be difficult to adhere to it? Would it make you feel more stressed or happy?
7. Most characters have good traits and bad. Can you name some of them in Nafasi, Van, Tom Jordisk, Ekstraterès, General White, Jules, Ian, and Tia?
8. Close your eyes and envision other changes (not mentioned in the book) in a world without guns. What are they? Are they beneficial or harmful?
9. Is Tia a hero in this story? What role does she play in the outcome? Are there other heroes?
10. Has this novel motivated you to learn more about the environment and take some concrete, meaningful action?