And Just Like That…

Hello CK Westbrook readers,

And just like that, summer is over.

I hope everyone is doing fantastic! I also hope my readers have managed to avoid guns, extreme weather, and the new COVID strain, but if not, I hope you recover quickly!

I’m still working on edits with 4 Horsemen Publications, as well as the cover, blurb, etc. for The Aftermath. It will be published in Spring 2024. I can’t wait!

I had a blast signing and selling books at the Cheverly Community Market! Huge thanks to everyone who stopped by and bought a book!

I was interviewed again by Dr. Karyne E. Messina Psychologist & Psychoanalyst Medical Staff, Johns Hopkins Medicine and Podcast Host, New Books Network, “New Books in Psychology” and “The Psychology of Climate Change.” I think this was the best interview of the three because we could talk about the entire series – as well as the big questions. Who is judging who? Why? Would you sign the pledge?

Podcast | CK Westbrook, "The Judgment" (4 Horsemen Publications, 2023) (

 If you listen to the podcast, let me know what you think.

I love that this network and community have embraced this series and appreciate all the psychological subtext. There are many important and timely themes in this series, including, gun violence, pollution, space and the Kessler syndrome, responsibility/accountability, feminism/sexism, and the climate and biodiversity extinction crises. It’s also suspenseful and entertaining!


This summer, I also attended an Endangered Species Act (ESA) at 50 celebration at the Library of Congress. Senator Cory Booker and Representatives Huffman, Beyer, Dingell, and Grijalva, as well as tribes and conservation organizations, received awards for their outstanding commitment to protecting the ESA and the plants and animals that depend on it.

On behalf of Kate, I will reiterate that we need to do more to stop the biodiversity extinction crisis by reducing all pollution and protecting the ESA, especially as it celebrates its 50th anniversary. We need nature more than it needs us. I will again recommend these organizations if you want to get involved.

The Endangered Species Act (

Home - Endangered Species Coalition

About ESA at 50 - The Endangered Species Act at 50 (

In a similar vein, a reader asked me for a list of the best things to do to reduce their carbon footprint. This is a great list - Actions for a healthy planet | United Nations


It was a very hot summer in DC, like most places in the world, but with the weather finally cooling down, I will be signing and selling books at several outdoor events. I’m super excited because I love talking to people about the books.  

I will be signing and selling at Art All Night in Mount Pleasant, Washington D.C. on Friday, September 29, 2023, 5:30 PM – 11:00 pm ET.   

I will be signing and selling at Woodley Park Art All Day - Date: Saturday, September 30th, 2023, 12:00 pm ET - 5:30 pm ET.  


If you have not given a review yet and want to – the details are below. THANK YOU!


Feel free to email me with any comments or questions about the series. I would love to hear from you!

Please follow me at - Author CK Westbrook (@WestbrookCK) / Twitter and CK Westbrook ( • Instagram photos and videos and TikTok

The Impact Series is available in paperback, e-book, and audio wherever books are sold.

As always, a huge thank you to everyone who has read The Shooting, The Collision, and The Judgment!

I can’t express the deep gratitude I have for my readers. Thank you for coming on this fantastic adventure with me!



To write a review or give a rating on Amazon: The Shooting: 9781644504970: Westbrook, Ck: Books and for The Collision: The Collision (Impact): 9781644506226: Westbrook, Ck: Books and for The Judgment: The Judgment (Impact): 9781644507124: Westbrook, Ck: Books    Just click on stars and scroll down until you get to the place that reads “write a review.”

To write a review or give a rating on Goodreads: The Shooting (The Impact Series Book 1) by CK Westbrook | Goodreads and The Collision: The Collision by CK Westbrook | Goodreads and The Judgment: The Judgment (The Impact Series Book 3) by CK Westbrook | Goodreads You do need to create an account to give a review on Goodreads.

People enjoying some of the amusing parts in The Collision and The Judgment.

If you are in the DMV on the 29th and 30th - come out and enjoy food, music, and art!

This was a great event at the Library of Congress. Please support the Endangered Species Act.

Skye playing dead.


Crazy, Crazy Strange, and Crazy Cool


Summer is coming to an end - what have you read?