Let’s relish every moment of this season!

Hello CK Westbrook readers,

Happy Holidays!

As we roll into the holiday season, I’m relishing every moment. I take every chance to smell the Christmas trees, love the holiday songs, and appreciate the decorations and lights – because January 20th is coming soon and we have no idea what will happen.

The city of D.C., with its large federal workforce, is stressed. As a woman who advocates for nature and wildlife, equality for all, and hates guns and violence, I’m also stressed out. But not right this moment. My husband is making dinner, there is a gorgeous full moon, my silly cats are milling about, and I’m enjoying a glass of pinot noir as I write this newsletter. Today, life is good!

And I anticipate having a big, exciting announcement (or two) about “The Impact Series” next month. Stay tuned!

My birthday is next week, on the winter solstice, and all I want for my birthday is reviews! If you have read The Aftermath or any books in “The Impact Series”, please write a review on Goodreads or Amazon. GOOD REVIEWS MAKE THE PERFECT GIFT FOR AUTHORS!

(See the links below to create easy reviews.)

Make It Mount Pleasant Art Holiday Market on December 8th was a blast. I loved meeting my fellow local authors and readers. Scroll down to see some cute pictures and check out the reels on Instagram and Facebook.   

Book Review and Podcast

My latest interview with Dr. Karyne Messina about the book A Psychoanalytic Study of Political Leadership in the United States and Russia is available on the New Books Network podcast.

On Dr. Messina's podcast, we’ve discussed books with gloomy (and inspiring) elements, including “The Impact Series”, Barbie and the Great American Identity Crisis, and The Power of Community. However, this book is rather depressing in light of the recent elections, yet it may help prepare us for the next four years. As Sun Tzu said, “Know your enemy and yourself.” It’s a fascinating book and an intriguing interview.  

Karyne E Messina, "A Psychoanalytic Study of Political Leadership in the United States and Russia: Searching for Truth" (Routledge, 2024) - New Books Network

New Book Networks Summary:

A Psychoanalytic Study of Political Leadership in the United States and Russia: Searching for Truth, provides psychoanalytic insight into the motives of this complex and contradictory topic.

The chapters written by the editor focus on the importance of truth-telling and evidence as it relates to presidents of the United States. She studied how some of these leaders have failed to tell the American people the truth about the Maddox incident, Abu Ghraib, the Iran-Contra affair, My Lai, and the real reasons why atomic bombs were detonated in Japan. In the process of uncovering lies, over time this process has eroded trust in our leaders. She also explains epistemic trust which refers to the trust we place in others as sources of knowledge and information.

The other contributors, from different professional and academic backgrounds, use a range of methods including quantitative research and literary analysis to shed light on Putin’s background, outlook, and current actions. Reflecting a range of perspectives on how Putin’s background may have informed his beliefs and his actions, particularly with respect to the invasion of Ukraine, the book brings together diverse viewpoints.

This book will be of great interest to psychoanalysts and to readers seeking to understand the complex dynamics of populist leadership.


I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and NEW YEAR!

Until next time, stay safe my friends.

I can’t express my deep gratitude to my readers enough. Thank you for sharing this fantastic adventure with me!


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To purchase books –

The Shooting | Universal Book Links Help You Find Books at Your Favorite Store! (books2read.com)

The Aftermath | Universal Book Links Help You Find Books at Your Favorite Store! (books2read.com)

CK Westbrook – 4 Horsemen Publications


To write a review -

Reviews on Amazon - Amazon.com: The Shooting (Impact): 9781644504970: Westbrook, Ck: Books

Amazon.com: The Collision (Impact): 9781644506226: Westbrook, Ck: Books

Amazon.com: The Judgment (Impact): 9781644507124: Westbrook, Ck: Books

Amazon.com: The Aftermath: 9798823203586: Westbrook, Ck: Books

Reviews on Goodreads - The Shooting (The Impact Series Book 1) by CK Westbrook | Goodreads

The Collision by CK Westbrook | Goodreads

The Judgment (The Impact Series Book 3) by CK Westbrook | Goodreads

The Aftermath (The Impact Series Book 4) by CK Westbrook | Goodreads

Contact Me

Feel free to email me if you have any comments or questions about the series. I would love to hear from you!  Ckwestbrook.author@gmail.com      

Fun at the MPT Holiday market!

Books make great gifts and 4 Horsemen Publications is having a huge sale - CK Westbrook – 4 Horsemen Publications

Intriguing book and a fascinating interview.

This adorable cat from the 1970s was the inspiration for Clorox in The Aftermath.


The Time When Artists Go To Work


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